

A mediocre end to a almost good day

This font is just for Jess (boring my right eye!).

Today, I am extremely upset with people who don't fully disclose the previous problems (i.e., salvage title) with potential buyers. Currently, in my book, they are as bad as those disrespectful thieves. While my car was found, minus floormats and laundry detergent, it seems I'm getting shafted by the insurance company. Stupid salvage title. I don't even know if I can trade it in (methinks not). So once again I am faced with a moral and monetary dilemma. We'll see, we'll see.

For now, I think I'd better go running or do some other form of exercise to vent this immense frustration I'm currently feeling. Why do bad things happen to good people? I have spent quite a bit of time lately in deep thought about this question and have yet to come up with an answer. Maybe we should think about going back to a mideval form of crime punishment. How many peopel would steal if they knew they would loose a hand?

On second thought, maybe in today's society (especially the American one) the loss of a hand wouldn't be much of a deterant. Most states have the death penalty and yet people still commit crimes worthy of them being sentanced to death. Hum, I think this line of thought could go on for quite awhile so I think I'll stop and let you, the reader, ponder.

I'm going to get a drink. I've had ENOUGH! screw running, screw my insurance company, screw the bastards who stole my stuff, screw the people who bought my stuff, screw the guy who sold me the car without telling me (if he even knew) that the title wasn't clean, screw my landlady who keeps trying to place some of the blame on me for the auto theft and home burglary! I'm getting drunk, maybe not the raging drunk that this whole rant implies. Nope, I'll save that one for this weekend when I don't have to get up for work the next morning. Ah, now I have something to look forward to this coming weekend. Now if only I had football....

I must say that I really like and appriciate all the work Bridge has done to make this blog look even cooler than it did all black. Those abstract (kindof) pictures of us as the title banner really make it grand. Plus, and I could do this if I wanted to, all the code writing that she has done.


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