

I can't compare to Jack Handy

So today, as I was driving in my non-radioed car, I was thinking. That's it, I was thinking.

When I started typing this (a few moments ago) I knew where the thought was going, now I'm not so sure. You see, I've lost my train of thought. It happens more often than I'd like and sometimes during the most inconvenient times. Then I just end up feeling like a complete fool because I have to admit that I've lost my train of thought. I really hate that. It makes me kinda mad and if you know me you know why. It means a loss of control. Not that I'm a control freak but I just hate that moment when you realize that what you were thinking is gone. Poof! Just like that! It makes me wonder why I spent so much time and money on an education...

Right! I just remembered what I was thinking as I was driving along. (If you've never tried driving without a radio, give it a shot. I used to solve all the world's problems that way.)

I saw this large (as in tall and stocky) man, alone, in his Yukon/Tahoe/Suburban/etc. and I began to wonder why it is that guys feel they must drive large vehicles.

  • Is it because you think women dig it (and maybe lots of them do, but this is NOT one of them)?
  • Is it because it makes you feel powerful?
  • Is it some way to show off your monetary worth by showing us how you can make astronomically large vehicle payments? (Note to reader: I'm skipping over the usual "compensation for small penis" thing but feel free to ponder that on your own).

I'm at a total loss here. I can understand if you have a wife/girlfriend/boyfriend and 3-7 kids to cart around. A suburban makes absolute sense in that scenario. However, if it's just you, it seems to me your wasting vast amounts of money, space, money and non-renewable resources.

Now, I'm not going to go on an environmental rampage (gasp!) but I just don't understand the trend in today's American society towards bigger and bigger things. This means houses, cars, megastores, airplanes, etc.
Why in the world do you need a 10,000 square foot house for less than 10 people? It makes absolutely no sense to me. Maybe that's because I was raised in a small town (and not like 10,000 people small, we're talking like less than 1,000 people small. Don't worry. Bridge's hometown has like 50 so Jess and I are up on her there) and so big things scare me (not all big things.... just some of them. And while I'm on the subject gentlemen, there is such a thing as TOO big- FYI). Or maybe I just don't see the point in spending my hard earned (or sitting in front of the computer earned) cash on gasoline and $500 car payment, not to mention insurance. Nope, I'd rather save that scrilla and use it to go to the Packers-Vikings game in December, or go hike Mt. Kiluea or hike to Machu Pichu.

On an entirely different subject...
Listen (or to be more correct, read), if you don't start leaving comments then maybe this whole thing is worthless. Otherwise it's just me, Jess and Bridge spewing the same ol' shit to each other that we usually do. So we really need some feedback here. You think we're crazy? Well so do we but it would be nice to know others felt that way, too.

Gracias y hasta manana


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