

my new-ish workout plan

my new work out plan is this:

35 minutes of heart pumping exercise every day for 30 days

AND yoga doesn't count?!

so... now i'll tell you how i'm doing thus far... i just finished day 9. i'm trying to switch between biking and running so as to not kill myself from the get go. thus far, i'm doing great. i might even start to like the run. and today's run was made all the more better by listening to the Savage Love Podcast. it's like his column but people call in and he rants while answering sex questions. makes for good laughs while sweating your ass off and such.

so i got this idea about blogging about the fitness plan (yes, i know, no one's ever thought of it before- call me revolutionary) when i heard this effing lame story about a lady blogging away debt. now, not that posting your spending, to the penny, for all the world to see isn't motivation to get your shit together and pay off ass loads of credit card debt, because it is. scrutiny is always rough. but it made me think about this other story i heard (i am a talk radio and podcast junkie) about a woman doing the same sort of thing but asking people for money to help her pay off her credit card debt.

let me be forthright about this... i think donating money towards a good cause, such as the Barfuss kids coughing machine (which i donated to) is fantastic. and as americans, we're great at coming to the rescue with money when it's needed. but, seriously! asking total strangers for money to pay off your credit card debt because you don't know how to live within your means seems totally uncalled for. in my opinion. plus, i don't think it gets to the heart of the spending problem and likely, that lady just continued to spend without any other consequence.

maybe i'm totally wrong. and maybe my complaint makes me a complete and utter bitch. but whatever.

either way. i'm totally off subject and thought i'd blog about the fitness plan to keep me motivated to keep it up! so stay tuned for random posts about it.

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Blogger hollibobolli said...

I'm exhausted just reading it. I think that was enough working out for me this year. Thank you!

2:21 AM  

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