

crabs, shamu and miller lite

add those up and you get, like, the BEST birthday ever! i mean, how many people get to see shamu on their birthday?? okay, probably A LOT, but still!!

a quick shout-out to my ex-home girl who used to live here but now lives in Denver. It was her birthday last week, too. (fellow virgos!!) she celebrated with crabs and dancing. thank goodness for Joe's Crab Shack!! YUM.

my crab experience was split up between hooters (thanks, Megan!) and a place called rockin baja lobster. i loooooooove snow crab...i just need a servant to crack it all for me so i don't have to do that myself.

i have been MIA lately. i spent the week in san diego... 75% work, 25% fun. it was 100% fun, even though i had to work for three of the days. hey, i never claimed to be good at math. ;)

so, i missed the season opener of grey's anatomy. abc has free episodes online, but apparently my DSL connection isn't fast enough, so i will probably watch it at work tomorrow on my lunch hour instead. yay.

enough fluff. while at the conference in san diego, i listened to one of the neatest speakers ever. his name was father greg boyle and he started homeboy industries in l.a. county almost 20 years ago. this is a program that helps gang members get out of their gangs, be employed and be regular contributing members of society. his overall message was about building kinship with someone and about getting a soul to recognize his (or her!) worth. rival gang members work together in his many businesses, which include a bakery, a silkscreening company and a cafe. his life has been dedicated to these people that most of society has deemed complete losers. the way he told the stories about some of these guys was profound and eye-opening.

building kinship. simple concept, right?

and the soul felt his worth. (from o holy night, i think) very important for us to all feel our worth in SOME way, every day.

xoxo. it's miller time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, I LOVE YOU! Happy birthday and strange that I feel famous because you mentioned me. It is as if you are a superstar! Crab lovers unite!

9:33 AM  
Blogger Brigitte Ballard said...

Why is it that I thought of crabs... I thought of the crabs you get if you sleep with the guy that swims with Shamu after he gave you Miller Lite?

Because... swimming with Shamu is a life long dream! You can... BELIEVE!

You know that guy get's laid.

Imagine this...

You are on a first date.

You ask your date what he "does" for a living. Fully thinking he is going to say something lame.

Then he say's... I swim with Shamu.

Next thing you know... your at his appartment getting it on.

All because Shamu is cool.

10:03 PM  

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