

Har, Matey!

Land ho! International Talk Like a Pirate Day it be!

Why such a day is not more publicized, this Pirate Queen knows not. If it were up to the like o' me, we'd be talkin' like this ever'day and ever'one would be understandin' each other. Personal relations would be easier and days would be fill'd with deck-swabbin' and brig cleanin' and nights spent watchin' me beauties show off their belly dancin' skills. Argh! It's makin' me wish I warn't asea.

If we had days like this everyday, think about how much fun work would be. Although, if you have to talk to clients all day and they weren't aware of the significance, it might be a bit rough to get your point across. Argh, well. I smell a find wind a blowin' and the time's acome for the Pirate Queen to depart to her cabin for the night along with a bottle o' rum and a prisoner...


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