

our cat is in heat

do i really need to say anything else?? i had no idea just how awful this is. we've been meaning to spay and declaw for some time now, but there was really no rush as this cat is 100% indoors. when i called around to get prices, i understood why people don't bother to spay or neuter. it's EXPENSIVE. spay, declaw and give this little kitty her shots will cost us about $200. it's the right thing to do, but this is ridiculous.

so, back to the cat in heat thing. take the time in your life when you were just the horniest ever. now multiply that by 3,746,189. this is how bad this cat wants a man cat in her life. she's constantly meowing. and it's not just's absolute caterwauling! (ha...ha caterwauling. i crack myself up.) she rolls all over and writhes on the floor. rubs herself on whatever or whomever is available. walks around with her bum in the air. marches her hind legs on the floor incessantly.

she peed on my bed. why is this cat still alive???!??!?!? this cat is hating life. as long as the last three days have been for me, it must have been 10 times worse for her.

this post sure involves a shit ton of math. sorry bout that...

yesterday, we scoped the neighborhood for an appropriate-looking stud. paul found one, brought him over, and introduced the two lucky cats.

ace hated him. she growled at him the ENTIRE time...i thought it was rather ungrateful behavior, to say the least. what a little bitch. it cured her of the heat for about 3 hours, however.

i called the vet first thing yesterday, to see if we could get her in for "emergency" surgery.'s an emergency to me. and i am the one who REALLY counts. no dice. the soonest appointment they had is she asks if i'll be dropping off the little horny kitty on monday night or tuesday morning. DUH. what a no brainer. MONDAY NIGHT. i need my sleep. this damn cat howls ALL NIGHT LONG.

pets suck. at least this one does anyway. i KNOW why i put up with it, too. in spite of my bitching, i have a giant soft spot for animals and i do believe in responsible pet ownership. but dammit this shit sucks.

~soccer update~
my kids lost their mid-week game, won again on saturday. i am not sure what kids showed up last wednesday, but i am sure they weren't my usual team. i was glad to have their usual selves (is selves a word?? it is now!!) show up to play on saturday morning.

jake's team continues to suck. they just don't get it. poor jake is out there, trying to play everywhere, and OBVIOUSLY that isn't working. he took a ball to the face VERY hard on saturday...and it just cold-cocked him. i sat calmly on the sideline, as i didn't want to embarrass him by running over all crazy-mom style for nothing...but then he didn't get up...and he didn't get up. so... i bolted up out of my chair crazy-mom style and ran across the field like a lightning bolt. i got over to him, knelt down to see wtf as he sat up...and the blood just poured out of his nose. i wanted to bawl. my baby was hurt!! he got up and walked off the field on his own, while his mom (yeah, that's me!!) caught his blood in her hand. everyone clapped for him and at least 3 people offered me Kleenex as soon as we walked off the field. what a great display of sportsmanship. we got the bleeding to stop and jake ran back over to finish the game, but his coach didn't put him back in.

thank god.

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Blogger fri yet said...

if you are serious about getting you cat spayed, do it quick, because if she is preggers it will cost you about 5 times as much! ....seriously!

10:25 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

I am so, so not a fan of cats.

you can direct cat hate mail to

The last cat I had would jump on the bed and pee on the bedspread on my legs.. once a week. Then I had a roommate from hell who had a cat from hell. It didn't like the cat next door so it would spray everything on one side of the house in anger. Nice. It also destroyed a ton of my dead grandmother's furniture.

cats are like dogs with superpowers. don't need it.

but i do love animals. we have a cat at Nana and Poppy's that I rescued from someone who was harming it. So being the animal freak I am - I love all animals, I just wouldn't really want a cat as my preferred pet.


10:26 AM  
Blogger Loralee Choate said...

Maybe if we get our cats together and they can just screw until they die.

5:42 PM  
Blogger Al said...

i feel your pain. this is why i got a boy cat, cut off his boy parts and decided to feed him mass amounts of food. problem solved!
until he's hungry, that is...
then he may strike at any ol' time

10:18 PM  

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