

now i lay me down to sleep

and i hope i don't forget a whole bunch of shit for tomorrow.

i've got a client coming into town. i'm smashing dinner with him and his wife between the end of work and my softball game. so...i need to take all my softball shit to work. cleats, shirt, socks, mitt. check.

i hope i don't leave my laptop at home ever again. i did that like two weeks ago. great smoke drive, crappy for the gas budget. next time i do that, i am staying at home. no exceptions!!

i haven't even washed my face yet and it's 11:15 p.m. helllllls bells. NOT happy about that. the dog also needs to go pee.

why the hell am i sitting here typing? that's a damn good question. i implore you to give me some possible answers.

i've got to be all dressed up tomorrow. yay. double yay!

i got summoned for jury duty again. this is the second time in about a month. last time, i didn't have to go. this time, i'll reckon i'll get out of it again. my profession alone ought to be enough to exclude me. keep your fingers crossed. i'll tell you all about my job later. trust's not that cool. it's not exotic, it's not ritzy and quite frankly, i am sorry i even brought it up.

well, my battery on my laptop is about to die. i guess this is it for me tonight.

but...i am not even close to being finished!!!

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Blogger tao1776 said...

Ha! Jess....I'm sure you're typing so late at night because your fans (I'm a big one) need a shout out now and again - even IF it's late and you havn't washed the face.
You're a softball player? Too cool.
It's funny as hell about JD. I have only been called once in my life. Strange...always been a registered voter and I'm certainly not invisible. Better keep my fingers crossed too.
Be well, Jess!

7:33 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

Yes, as you typed "why the hell am I sitting here typing this" I'm late for yet another doctor's appointment.. so why am I sitting here reading you ponder why you're typing??? It's like an endless loop of time wasting bitch fest!!

And so it goes on..


Don't forget the laptop!!!

11:02 AM  
Blogger jess said...

tim..i play golf too! not well, but i play!

holli..keep me posted on how you are feeling. dr. appts can get very very old.

11:27 AM  

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