

Stupid Utah Liquor Laws... GRRRR

So today is the day that I go and try to make one Republicans vote in Utah not count.


Yeah, I know. We do have some Democrats in office. The keyword here was SOME.

I obviously did something terribly wrong in a past life.

Why you ask?

Because Election day is one of those weird days in Utah where you cannot buy a drink in a restaurant. WTF? As if Utah needs any more fucked up liquor laws. All the state liquor stores are closed, and restaurants are restricted.

Thank god for convenience stores.

This is why Utah has this stupid law.

"Sometime in the good old days a candidate could take voters to a saloon, buy a couple of drinks and get them liquored up pretty good before they went back to the polls," he said. "After Prohibition was lifted [in 1933] many states didn't want liquor associated with buying votes at election time."" (Dawn House, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Election Day liquor laws

No alcohol except 3.2 beer before polls close at 8 p.m. may be served at:
* Small liquor outlets at hotels, rural areas or wineries
* Restaurants serving distilled spirits, wine and heavy beer
* Restaurants serving only wine and heavy beer
* Private clubs serving distilled spirits, wine and heavy beer
Stricter rules for hotels, resorts and special events:
* Hotels and resorts may not serve alcohol of any kind at banquets - including light beer that can be sold all day at any grocery or convenience store.
* Festivals or other single event permit holders may not serve alcohol
Light 3.2 beer sales: may also be regulated by local ordinances; contact local city or county attorney for more restrictions
(Dawn House, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Welcome to fucking Utah. God forbid that Republicans drink and turn into Democrats. (Yeah, I came up with that one.)


Blogger Loralee Choate said...

You can't buy alcohol on election day? WTF?

You would think that they would allow it. It could ONLY be to their advantage--some Dems would get so pissed they would think they were Orrin Hatch and want to vote the Republican line.

10:37 PM  
Blogger jess said...

I am going to take a big step here and admit that I am mostly in line with Republican theory. And I drink. And I voted for some Democrats yesterday. I vote for people, not for parties.

This is probably one of those old school laws (a blue law) that is still on the books.

There are LOTS of stupid laws on the books and this is just another example.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Loralee Choate said...

Hey, I am a conservative moderate.

I dream of Democratic OR Republican candidates that I feel good voting for.

3:05 PM  

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