

soccer mom i am

it's official! i am a soccer mom. i'm coaching a group of 5- and 6-year-olds. the soccer is the EASY part. the 5- and 6-year-olds are the HARD part! holyyyy cow, did i EVER underestimate how tricky this would be.

first of all, they are just the cutest bunch of kids ever! my daughter was telling her brother and stepsisters last night after our first practice that "the other kids called Mom 'Coach' but I just call her Mom, cuz that is what she is: my mom!"

jake says to her, "jenna, you should just call her coach - because calling her mom? Well, that's just embarrassing."

my son is already embarrassed by me. great.

part 2: i ran into one of the other moms this morning at the post office. i asked her if her son had a good time at practice. she said, "oh yes, he LOVED it. he came home and told me he was happy to have all of the hot girls on his team." we both rolled our eyes.

HA HA HA! Hot girls! these kids are 5 and 6!!!!

halfway through the practice, ALL of the kids have to pee, and there are no facilities. plus, they are all dog tired. and thirsty. some of the girls started doing cartwheels! one of the kids says "i feel like i am going to throw up." another got his head stuck in the net no less than 7 times.

i may have bitten off more than i can chew. i'll keep you posted. i am having fun and still have hope for a winning season. LOL

p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BeeeeRIDGE. i love you!

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Blogger Karen said...

"another got his head stuck in the net no less than 7 times."


Well, sounds like your plate is full. I find the 5 and 6 year olds challenging enough for 30 minutes at a time. I can't even imagine trying to coach the little hellions.

Have fun! ;-D

2:55 PM  
Blogger Loralee Choate said...


Jon coached for two years. It"INTERESTING"???

I think I would pay to see this in action, actually. :)

4:42 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

God Bless AMERICA!! I left the longest comment on this post. WHERE IS IT??? Did my mere mention of boogers offend you to the point of deletion? Somehow I think not. Blogger - you are pissing me off!!!

I loved working with this age group when I taught kindergarten. However - I didn't do boogers... especially when the kids wanted to hold my hand with boogs on their fingers. I don't know why - that set off my gag reflex.

But I fell in love with most of them. GAWD girls that age can whine. I don't see how that could ever be hot - even in the eyes of another 5-year-old.

I'm glad you're having fun!!

11:36 AM  

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