

it was snowing in colorado springs

yep. you read that correctly. i'm in colorado springs (not to be confused with colorado city), CO and it's snowing. has been all weekend. well, that's not entirely true. yesterday was more of a freezing rain. but we went on a great hike anyway. cold and wet and frozen hair, OH MY!

luckily this morning we're inside watching the snow (except i really want breakfast) from this really great loft that t. (not to be confused with T- female) has. and i'm beginning to wonder how fun the drive back home to albuquerque is going to be.

beee-ridge and jess go to wendover for adult fun and gambling and drinking. i go to colorado springs for the CS Beer Tour, hosted by t.

(note: previous portion of the blog written in colorado springs, CO)

all in all, a fun filled, snow-filled, coffee-filled, beer-filled, food-filled weekend. can't beat that with a stick... or you could but it wouldn't be that fun.

even the drive was mostly nice. excepting that split second when someone almost slid into me. easily forgotten with enough of the aforementioned things.

now, back to reality and my cat. who wasn't as hungry as i thought he would be. you see, he'd gotten into the bag o' cat food and eaten to his little heart's content. one of the many reasons he's a fatty. poor guy. and poor al when he decides he needs to stand on my boobs. 16 lbs is a lot of weight and associated pressure on the breasts. oh well. if only they had a 'navy seals exercise class' for cats! if any of you reading this know of one, you let me know, eh.

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Blogger Brigitte Ballard said...

Wow... just wow.

I am TIRED of snow. Totally TIRED!

6:56 PM  
Blogger fri yet said...

please publish photo of your cat... mine has yours beat by 10 lbs. i'll show your mine if you'll show me yours...

9:32 PM  

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