

needed: diet mountain dew rehab

so today, before 9:00 a.m., i stop at the sinclair (yeah! the one with the big ass green dinosaur out front!) to fill up my mug with DIET MOUNTAIN DEW. now, i would have referred to this as my secret addiction, but it ain't that big of a secret. confession time: this is a 64 oz. mug. yeah... as in like 2 quarts... er.. right? ok enough about that.

tonight's topic is this: is it ever ok to re-gift something? and why or why not? PLEASE tell me your stories! send me email if you don't want to post!

so i thought i was going to make it through like 3 posts in a row without using the word "poo." it is with great regret that i cannot do it. maybe you can relate to this if you have kids. today as i was rushing through my morning get-ready-for-work routine, i noticed a pair of underwear on the bathroom floor, complete with skidmarks. my first instinct was, "ew! gross!" then the mom in me shifted into gear... "EW! GROSS!" the following conversation REALLY happened:

me: "what is THIS?!?!?"

he ducks his head and tries to suppress some embarrassed laughter
. "Nothing."

me: "is that POO???"

him: "it looks like it is. but i wiped, i promise!"


me: "with toilet paper??"

more embarrassed laughter... then in a tiny voice, "yes."

me: "mmm hmmm. next time use more toilet paper, ok? just don't clog the toilet. flush a couple times if you need to."

him: "ok, mom."

I wonder if he uses toothpaste when he brushes his teeth!! Yay kids. YAY!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it is fine to re-gift. i have actually re-gifted, just make sure to don't give the thing to the person who gave it to you...

7:34 PM  
Blogger fri yet said...

i think it is fine to re-gift. will admit to actually having done it... just be sure you do not give the gift back to the person who gave it to you.

7:36 PM  

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