


Are you ready for some football? Some Monday night parties? (thanks to Wolfman Jack).
So it's Monday night and my team (the Packers) are playing Philidelphia. WTF is up with that? Seriously, my team is sucking it up HARD this year with a fantabulous record of 1-3. And that 1 win, against the Lions (who can't beat the Lions? maybe SF...)
when i saw the schedule i found myself thinking
"did good ole tagliavou (sp?) come up with this schedule, and if so, why would he pit a team that had 1 mediocre year and 1 crap year against the 4 time division champ eagles? and on monday night no less? really! i thought monday night was reserved for great matchups!"
i'm really not a fair-weather fan. being a Jazz fan for my entire life has taught me to revel in the pain and misery of complete sports team disapointment.
the thing is that as a fan i have to go watch the game. this means i have to go and sit in a bar and as my team finds itself falling further and further behind, i will purchase more and more beer. oh, i never thought i'd rue the day that mnf went from abc to espn. i guess that's why people get cable. and believe you me, i'd get cable too, if only for football and basketball but it just doesn't seem to be in the books right now.
anyway- i'd like to end with a BIG shout out to my Pack and say "Go, Pack, Go!"
if only someone hadn't stolen my computer i'd put a picture of me w/g-man (the pack mascot) here.


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