

dumbest thing you ever spent money on

first off..i want to mention a cool blog i ran across: the bestest blog of all time. we are new to blogging and bobby writes about all kinds of stuff i don't even understand yet, but whatever. i especially am happy he changed the color scheme from that awful blue to what you see today!

whew. now that is out of the brings me to today's topic: what is the dumbest thing you have ever spent money on? i ran across this message board from the MSN website...and i read ALL 38 pages.

yeah, i am a total timewaster. so what?? my dishes are done, so screw you.

the sad part? i have done some of these things. first dumb thing i did..was EVER apply for a credit card. now, i don't want to blame Visa, but just because a 17 yr old college freshman HAPPENS to have a 4.0 GPA, that does NOT MEAN she is smart! do NOT give her a $4000 credit limit.

that wasn't the first problem. i hadn't even entertained using that credit card until i met my boyfriend and future husband. yay me. after a series of bad financial decisions (including leasing a car, buying a house we could barely afford and treading the financial waters), we are now divorced. needless to say, my credit SUCKS ass. i still owe my parents money and i have no idea how i will ever pay them back.

as i read this board, i felt much better. there are people out there who have done much stupider things and lost a lot more money. i related to their stories.

i also finished my college degree and quit my job with a very good salary for a much lower paying job in my field. i hope it pays off in the long run...

what about you? what is the dumbest thing YOU have done financially?


Blogger Brigitte Ballard said...

Besides the gift i want to get you for xmas? lol

Um, i once called one of those ads in the classified on how to make more money. I had to purchase a book for $30 to get all the details. Well I got all the details... someone made $30 and it wasn't me. Anyways, I have never fell for anything like that again. EVER. I should thank them. It was only $30.

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What dumb things haven't I bought is a better question. I too have run up giant credit card debt. I ended up with nothing to show for it and had the glorious privilage of having my parents bail me out. Having said that I really regret buying that N'Sync Cd.

2:48 PM  
Blogger jess said...



3:46 PM  
Blogger Loralee Choate said...

I will say one thing:

Stillwater DCS.

Nuff said!

4:21 PM  

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