

Bah Effing Humbug

if you want the turkey barley soup recipe that was posted in the sidebar, post us a comment and i will get you a copy. i dare you to try the december recipe!!

i made the most awesome cookies the other night. peanut butter cookies with caramel hershey's kisses in the middle. what a smashing success they were. my kids helped and i cannot believe these cookies turned out round.

they even washed their hands for the occasion!

and now, here's something i hope you'll really like (in my best Rocky voice!!)

i am cranky these days. i hate winter, i hate arctic weather and i hate utah right now. yes, i harbor personal dislike towards the entire STATE of utah. ( but i shall save that for another post at another time [you are sooo welcome!!] )

the inversion is creeping in and it sucks. yeah, sure i could ride the bus and do my part, but then i wouldn't get to enjoy my freezing-ass cold leather seats in my car with a heater that wheezes out a few puffs of lukewarm air when and if it feels like it. i would also have to leave for work at like 6:50 a.m. to be at the office by eight and change buses like 3 times.

first of all, i rarely make it to the office before 8:30 and being ready to go ANYWHERE outside of your home before 7 a.m. is downright unhealthy. there is no argument you can make that will convince me otherwise.

what if the house was on fire? SMART ASS. i will shoot you down like the bastard that you are.

crap. now i forgot my second point. the bottom line is i ain't ridin the bus. not now, not ever. i am going to adopt everyone else's mentality and let "someone else" take responsibility for protecting our environment. i recycle, i have started walking to the mailbox (rather than backing out of the driveway)... and i quit smoking. it's called BABY STEPS. maybe you've heard of it??

anyhow, i digress... the second point may have involved the bus not cruising through any drive-up windows where riders could purchase tasty beverages, such as a 64 oz. diet mountain dew or a 16 oz. chai. operative phrase there is "may have involved..."

and if you haven't heard of baby steps... guess what??!?? I DON'T CARE.

i TOLD you i was grouchy.


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