

To Go Or Not To Go...

is the big question on which i polled my best pallies this weekend after a lengthy conversation with t.

be prepared... for those of you who are faint of heart, or do not take well to topics related to bodily functions, PLEASE STOP READING NOW! I MEAN IT!

Ok, now for the disclaimer.
I take absolutely no responsibility for the feelings/emotions/rage/anger/disgust provoked by this post.

the question is...
do you, on a regular basis, urinate in the shower?

from the conversations i've recently had, stemming from the original t. conversation, this is something that most of us have done at least once, and for various reasons.
however, it seems that for guys, who have the utmost ability to aim at and ensure direct drain stream, it is a most common occurrence.

for women though, this doesn't seem to be the case, and for various reasons. it seems as though women are less likely to urinate in the shower because of the leg factor (ya'll know exactly to what i'm speaking) and possibly the fact that we're the ones who actually clean the shower/tub and so want to keep it as clean as possible from the get go. or maybe we're repressed.

i'm not yet entirely sure. methinks i would have to do a large poll of the voting public within the u.s. to come up with some real numbers. and that opens up a whole new can o' worms.

picture it... your phone rings... you answer it... a girl asks if you're a registered voter... and then proceeds to ask whether or not you use your shower as a toilet, on occasion, or often.

how would you react?

anyway. now that the question has been raised, i'm a curious as the next tom, jess, or bridge as to how the general populace feels about the question. feel free to pipe in, eh.

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Blogger hollibobolli said...

Absolutely I have. I've even tried to get Faith to do it in an effort to progress potty training. didn't work - she told me it was gross. So if you polled our house you would end up with a split result.

I just pee everywhere.. the shower, in the pool, on the curb outside my car - I pee everywhere but the toilet. Well, I won't pee in a sink. That's just too much, you know?

You'll never get most people to answer this honestly.. I bet. I bet you... what?

Did you get the recipe for pee soup up on the blog? Or was that bridge?

1:01 AM  
Blogger jess said...

LOL holli!!!

i admitted to al that i have done this on rare occasion. usually while intoxicated...

i have totally peed in a pool before. i am ashamed to admit this.

when you have to go, you gotta go.

i polled paul on this last night...he said he only does it if the urge so strikes him while he is showering. ha ha ha

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Holli your confidence on this topic is astounding.

I will be honest (even though it pains me to do so) and admit that yes, I have peed in the shower. Now having admitted that I want to add that it is a very rare occurance and happens only in advent of an emergency.

12:33 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

I'm sure you don't remember this post (it was long ago), but when we were on a spy mission in the neighborhood.. I actually did pee outside the car on someone's driveway (after drinking beer after beer after beer). There was an elderly woman watering her flowers right behind me. I'm really glad I haven't seen her since!

Now you all will never know if I was joking on that first comment - I won't tell!!

I used to believe the story about the red dot following you if you peed in the pool. I can't remember who scared me with that one... probably Poppy!

11:05 PM  
Blogger jess said...

bridge and i peed outside once a long, long time ago. we drank an assload of tequila, went downstairs to pee..then crawled back up like, 6 flights of stairs.

yes, we peed on asphalt. yes, a dumpster was in plain view. yes, we probably were seen. and yes, we were underage.

11:19 PM  

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