

Hooray for Utah (despite the shitty liquor laws!)

ok so I'm back in utah for the wonderful, wonderful world of disney. oops, i mean for turkey day. and boy am i lucky that i get to spend one WHOLE week in logan and beyond.
and tonights plans, hang out with jess and bridge.
so now you're wondering wtf it was we did in our short but precious time together.

wait for it....

wait for it...

we got a pedicure!!!

and by we I mean ALL of us! which if you didn't notice, includes yours truly.

now for those of you who know me, don't be shocked. this doesn't mean i've turned all girly n' shit but i thought for once in my f'ing life i could do something nice for myself with my two bestest buds. so i let those hoes talk me into gettin' my feet all rubbed and scrubbed and my piggies painted.

since i'm sitting at bridge's using her computer to write this sob and she wants me to mention that i originally picked out neon orange for my toe painting color.

she promptly informed me that 'it doesn't work with your color' (like I know what that means) so i let her pick out the color. guess what she picked for Al?

you guessed it, pink. (those are bridge's toes in purple)

then we came back to bridge's and took some pictures (no boys, not THOSE types of photos). we took some fun and silly and semi-serious photos. some of which will be forthcoming on this, the 3 monkeys blog.

and since jess is gone, bridge and i are sitting around drinking miller lite and talking smack about how barbie-like she looked (if only she had bigger boobs. sorry j but the truth sometimes hurts).

we're also talking shit about how bridge's list of previous boyfriends is fan-tastic and al's current list of boyfriends is.... non-existant. in fact, i don't even have a roofie! wtf is up with that?
reminder a roofie is someone that would have to slip a roofie into my drink for me to go home with them (see Al's blog "my new scale" or some shit like that, i wrote it too long ago to remember exactly what kind of witty name i gave it).


Blogger jess said...

My picture is not here, because I had to go be a Mom.

What a calling in life.

And I don't have a cool tattoo on my foot, but it is one of my goals for 2007. Let me see if I can figure out how to get a damn photo off my cell phone uploaded to a website so I can post it here later.

12:09 PM  

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