

ever been tagged before?

yeah, well, good for you! this is a first for me, so here goes. i was tagged by mi amiga Karen, a lovely lady whom i have only had the pleasure of meeting once, but i love her. i am supposed to write six weird things about me. i hope i can do it.

1. i absolutely hate to clean. now, i loooove having a clean house, a clean car, clean folded laundry, a clean bathroom, ETC. but the cleaning part sucks, like ten miles of butt. i guess i should clarify by saying that once i get started...i am fine. but starting? shizzle my nizzle i think i would rather pull out my own toenails. leading me to number 2...

2. i am addicted to pedicures. if i could afford it, i would get one every week. turns out they can be kind of expensive and so i limit myself to less than one a month. i splurge in the summer...every 3 weeks. i am obsessed with nice cuticles on my toenails and i can't stand to have any dry, hard or rough patches anywhere on my feet. i shave the hairs on my big toe b/c even tho i am NOT a hairy person at all, i have hairy big toes. probably b/c i shave them. what a vicious, vicious cycle. oh well, i can't stop now. i can't stand to leave my toenails unpainted, either. they always have to look nice. this leads me to the next topic...

3. i am a shoe freak. now, in the years past, i have been able to control myself with this b/c of the kids. i just don't have the money to blow on shoes. but i am always shopping for them, always looking, always surfing sites like zappos, ebay or wherever to look for SHOES. when my son was a tiny baby..he had a pair of size one nikes! hell yeah! he also had some little lugz boots (so did my daughter) and because his feet were sooo fat, i found baby Vans. yeeeeeeeeah. Vans! he has been wearing them ever since he was 9 months old. not the same pair, mind you, but VANS. Jenna has some phat little black n pink Vans right now. Jake is into the Etnies... I can't get enough shoes. Love them, love them, love them.

4. Ok, this one is weird. And I don't do it anymore, but I used to make brown gravy (like from a mix) and eat it like cup a soup. I don't think ANYONE knows this... and I would only eat it when I was alone... Did anyone notice I started using capital letters halfway thru the last number? WTF? Anyway, I would whip up the brown gravy and eat it out of a mug. Don't tell anyone, ok? They might think I am weird.

5. if diet mountain dew was available intravenously, i would probably push around one of those little bags on a tall cart everywhere. i would be permanently plugged into a pepsi product 24-7. think i am kidding? i ain't.

6. i love to waste time watching tv. i am hopelessly addicted to a barrage of shows like the girls next door (I love those trashy bitches)
, heroes, lost, criminal minds, csi (the las vegas one), survivor, grey's anatomy, shark, ghost whisperer, close to home, desperate housewives, the apprentice, the sopranos, american idol, and the list goes on and on and ON. i also totally love the food network, E!, and HGTV. now, keep in mind that i don't sit on my @$$ and watch all that tv. but if i could, i probably would. let's not forget i am a huge nascar fan and a football fan. some might consider that stuff weird.

please, if you haven't yet, take a moment to read the february recipes on the right-hand column. although this is a shared blogaroo, i am the self-proclaimed recipe moderator. and this month's recipes really highlight some of my best literary work. for those of you who know bridge, al and me personally, you will laugh. for those of you who don't, you may still laugh. and you'll get to know us even a litte bit more...

peace out. leave comments. i love to read what you have to say. xoxo

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Blogger Loralee Choate said...

Bridgy told me all about the recipe. I sputter while trying to bark out a laugh becuase I was trying to move my fat ass down the treadmill!!!!!


10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew it had to be you writing this post, because it could have been me.

Hello??? Gravy is a food group!!

As for baby vans? Lookie here.

p.s. - if I could I would have a tv implanted inside my head so I could have a 24/7 feed without the guilt of everyone else knowing. And it would probably run reality (next human drama) crap nonstop.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Shoes are marvelous things... things that fit when you are a fat girl! As for cleaning, I'm absolutly on board with ya. My house could use a serious scrub down but finding the desire to start the scrubbing isn't happening.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

btw, here is my recipe for spaghetti.

1. Purchase frozen spaghetti dinner.
2. Microwave.
3. Eat with plastic fork and Dr. Pepper from the can.

2:52 PM  
Blogger jess said...

lor... LOL. i am glad you liked the recipes.

holli.. i was worried you would quit reading after you found out i eat gravy out of my fave coffee mug with a spoon. even bridge didn't know i did that and we have been friends for almost 26 years!!! HA HA. kill me. your recipe rocks.

xoxo all!!

4:49 PM  
Blogger Al said...

clarifications on Feb recipe (yep, I'm excessive)
-it's a FARMER'S market, not garder's market
-purchasing local foods helps the local economy (not just wally world which makes me vomit. sorry Josie)
-the longer a food takes to cook, the more time you have to drink, with valid excuse. as in "half a glass of organic wine for the spaghetti sauce, 2 glasses for the cook." plus it food always tastes better when drinking is included.
-taking a long time to cook (and drink) keeps my mind off the fact that I'm cooking a HUGE pot of spaghetti sauce for 1 and no one else is ever gonna share it with me. this makes me feel like drinking more, which makes the cooking last longer, which makes me drink more (you starting to see a cycle here).
-i'm willing to pay for quality food products. studies have shown that foods grown organically have more nutritous (sp) value than those grown traditionally (which in organic speak means w/petroleum based fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc). plus, because the food costs more, i purchase less and hence eat less.

ok- no more. i'm headed home to eat some organic, homemade, meat free chili. YUM!

5:14 PM  

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